Handbags will always be a mystery to men but for women a handbag isn't just a fashion accessory it also holds so many items that a woman cannot function properly without. If you were to take woman's handbag away from her she would feel very lost indeed. There are many brands of handbag that women aspire to and these can often include Gucci, Chloe and Prada.
Handbags can be very practical however they are also often chosen purely to look good with whatever outfit is being worn. Normally a woman won't receive many compliments about her bag, especially not from men, however other women who take a keen interest in fashion will often dole out the compliments. This is something that a women especially looks to happen.
However not everyone will have the same opinion on what makes up an attractive handbag. For instance, one of the most popular bag is by Louis Vuitton. Despite the fact that it is brown and the fact that it is often copied and sold cheaply at markets, many women with the cash to spend will happily buy one. There are other colors and styles of handbag of course and every woman who adores handbags will have their very own "wish list".
Who can understand why women have developed such a strong relationship with a handbag but for many there is much more to owning a bag than simply to store makeup and money. A handbags sends out signals about wealth, status, style and attractiveness. Of course, what sort of bag a particular celebrity is wearing will naturally influence the buying decision of many women around the globe.
Some people are very particular about what type, brand and authenticity of handbag they buy. Unfortunately, many of the designer brands attach large price tags to them and this means that for many ordinary people, the cost is very prohibitive. No wonder there are so many people selling fakes at market stalls and also on the internet. If you are buying a fake handbag it's important to note that often the quality is very poor and the materials used really reduce the overall appearance. If you are told that a bag is genuine but the price is a fraction of what it should be, then you really need to be wary about this. If the bag is used then obviously it will be cheaper but if it's new then you should buy at your own risk.
April Kerr owns website Buy Baby Phat which has details of where to buy Baby Phat handbags and Baby Phat shoes.